Sinon Vongkusolkit
Sinon Vongkusolkit has served as a director of the Company since July 2022. He has served as Chief Executive Officer and director of Banpu (SET: BANPU) since April 2024. Mr. Vongkusolkit also currently serves as a director of various subsidiaries of Banpu, including as a director of PT. Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk (IDX: ITMG) since March 2024, as a director of Banpu Power (SET: BPP) since April 2024, as a director for each of BOG Co., Ltd. and BNAC since May 2024, as a director of BPPUS since June 2024 and as a director of Banpu Ventures Pte. Ltd. since May 2022. He previously served as Chief Executive Officer of Banpu NEXT Co. Ltd. from July 2022 to December 2023. Prior to that, he served at Banpu in the Project Management Office team, where he executed financial and asset transactions, from January 2020 to June 2022. He also served as a financial analyst in the Corporate Finance team of Banpu, where he worked on funding for the Banpu group, from November 2014 to January 2020.
Mr. Vongkusolkit received a BA in Business and Marketing Management from Oxford Brookes University and an MA in Global Management Finance from Regent’s University London. Mr. Vongkusolkit brings broad expertise in strategic management and operations, including corporate finance, investments and project management, from his time at Banpu to the board of directors. In addition, we believe that Mr. Vongkusolkit’s leadership skills, technological adeptness and growth mindset from his time at Banpu NEXT Co. Ltd. make him qualified to serve on our board of directors.